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Know What Is "GOLDEN RATIO" In Graphic Design

 Know What Is "GOLDEN RATIO" In Graphic Design HAYSAN12 | FIVERR | This time I will share insights on the importance of the golden ratio in graphic design, but before we go to the importance of the Golden Ratio in Graphic Design, we must first know what the Golden Ratio is. Let's get to know what the Golden Ratio is, The Golden Ratio or what we can translate is the "Golden Ratio" {what is meant here is like a golden opportunity}, which is a very special number in mathematics. Golden Ratio is an irrational number or whose value is close to 1.618. This Golden Ratio is usually symbolized by Greek letters. Maybe you often see this in the concept of geometry, art, architecture, or the structure of living things, because these numbers or symbols often appear in several geometric concepts etc. Do you know the Fibonacci sequence? What is the Relationship Between the Fibonacci Series and the Golden Ratio? Well, this is what's interesting between the golden ratio and
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Mengenal apa itu golden ratio dalam design ratio

Mengenal   Apa Itu “ GOLDEN RATIO “ Dalam Design Grafis HAYSAN12 | FIVERR | Kali ini saya akan berbagi wawasan pentingnya golden ratio dalam design grafis, Namun sebelum kita menuju ke pentingnya Golden Ratio dalam Desgin Grafis kita harus mengenal dulu apa itu Golden Ratio Mari kita mengenal apa itu Golden Ratio, Golden Ratio atau yang bisa kita terjemahkan ialah “ Ratio Emas “ { emas yang di maksudkan disini ialah seperti kesempatan emas }, yang merupakan sebuah angka yang sangat spesial dalam matematika. Golden Ratio adalah sebuah bilangan irasional atau yang nilainya mendekati 1,618, Golden Ratio ini biasa di simbolkan dengan huruf yunani . Mungkin anda sering melihat ini dalam konsep geometri, seni, arsitektur, ataupun struktur makhluk hidup, karena angka atau simbol ini sering muncul dalam beberapa konsep geometri dll. Apa Kalian Tau Dengan Deret Fibonacci ? Apa Sih Hubungannya Antara Deret Fibonacci dan Golden Ratio, Nah ini yang menarik antara golden ratio dan de